Real Estate

Why You Must Check Your Home Insurance Coverage Today

Your home is likely your biggest investment, but if disaster strikes, will your insurance truly protect you? Many homeowners don’t realize they are underinsured until it’s too late—especially in total loss scenarios like a fire. Here’s why reviewing your policy is essential: Rebuild Costs Are Higher Than You Think Construction costs have surged, with rebuild rates ranging from $600-$1000 per...

Real Estate Taxes -4 Ways to Save on Real Estate Taxes (updated)

As Ben Franklin famously put it, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” It was true then and it is true now. Just about every day I meet someone that says “I’d love to move but the taxes will kill me!” Believe me, I understand – I spent several years as an accountant and I have yet to meet anyone that is excited about paying taxes – especially taxes on...

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